RiN's 夢 の 森

A place where the reality lies beneath the illusion

Finally, I have a spare time to write in my blog!!!

My school's vacation has already ended long time ago, and now I'm interested in psychology.

Long time a go, I wanted to become a psychiatrist. But recently, I changed my mind. Though, I became more aware towards the situation around me. This made me waver my heart.

The first one is www.4degreez.com

The second one is http://similarminds.com/personality_disorder.html, etc.

All of the test I've taken gave the same answer to me.. The highest one is Schizoid.. Meanwhile, I dun have any other personality disorder (PD)

I'm a lil bit nervous bout d answer though.. I dun think that I'm really a schizoid.. But, who cares about that??

There are so many personality disorder in this world.. And I know a lot of people who suffer from this *although their case is still mild* And according 2 me, it seems that the number of person with BPD (BordeLine Personality Disorder) is the largest. More than 10 of my friends suffered this.. (this is the one that I've known, i dun know if there's more..) I dun know whether it is large number or only my school got this kind of condition.. (well, my school is rather strict, difficult, more over, it's an all-girls-school)

This made me wanted to have a research about this PD.. That's why I'm tryin hard to get to know more about this case.. (it is a secret project of mine) I also have a plan to make a forum about psychology... *haven't make the realization yet* I just want to help them to feel better.. Hope this project and forum could be done in near future.. Is there anyone has the same idea with me? Help me please!! Or if you have any information, please tell me..