RiN's 夢 の 森

A place where the reality lies beneath the illusion

Well I'm sure some of you have heard the terms of "alter ego". You may hear it from your friend, film, internet, etc. But do you know what is alter ego? Maybe some of us think double personality and alter ego is the same, but it's not. So I will share some of my knowledge about alter ego.

This all started from my first session of self-hypnotized that I applied to myself. I never expected that I would meet the other side of myself whom I've never been aware of. Somehow, I could know that person is my alter ego. There are 2 types of people who have alter ego. First one is someone who is completely aware of the existence of the other part of themselves, and the second is the people who doesn't aware of the existence of their alter ego.

Most of the sites in internet define alter ego as : second self, a second personality or persona within a person, who is often oblivious to the persona's actions. This terms is first mentioned by Aristotle.

Usually, actors, actresses, performers, and authors have alter ego. It is caused by the demand to get themselves into a "new" character which is not their selves. Alter ego could go in and out as they please according to the situation in real life. Besides that an avatar or the character in game also could be considered as an alter ego. The main point is it lead us to a double life.

There are some factors why people have or created alter ego :

a. This is one way to escape for the real life. Some of us may have a dream that we can't reach or we might always live for others' expectations. It could create a pressure for people and finally make them create an alter ego to satisfy themselves.

b. This is a form of their imaginary personality. Some of the people may have an idol or ideal personality that they want to achieve. They unconciously try their best to fulfill their "ideal" self.

c. The role of their character. Some of actors, actresses, or authors may have gone into their own character too deep and unconciously let them to affect their life.

Alter ego could bring both advantage and disadvantage for someone in their life. Alter ego could change someone's personality so they could achieve their dream, please the people around them, get to work or school, etc. Most of the alter ego will help people to live their daily life. We can see the examples from most of the singers or performers. They often use a stage name in their career and they feel like they are somebody else that could do anything. Or, a woman who can lead a double life as a business woman and a mother in their life also considered has an alter ego.

On the other hand, people could have problems because of their alter ego.There's a theory, "Once a person creates an alter ego, they start dreaming about the same and living a life of their own with the alter ego." Besides that, if the alter is ego is more perfect than the core personality, it could create a low self-esteem towards individual. The alter ego could dominate their life and prevent someone to lead a normal life. We need to remember that alter ego is created as a way of escape not a solution from a problem in life.

Some confession from people who claimed that they have alter ego said that alter ego could disappear someday if we consider ourselves don't need the assistance of our alter ego. Usually, these people couldn't feel the presence of their alter ego, they could not communicate with their alter ego in their mind, and their alter ego never appears in their life to help them again. It could be a good sign that the person have accepted the reality and could face it by their own.

Here is an easy step to create an alter ego that I found in the internet :
1. Think about one or more things you wish to do with your life. Your alter ego will
have accomplished these things (e.g. your alter ego became a fashion designer)

2. Think of one above-and-beyond accomplishment for your alter ego character (e.g. your designs were featured in New York fashion week)

3. Make sure you and your character share the same interests (e.g. you like to play
guitar, so does your alter ego)

4. Give your character your personality

5. Paint a picture in your head of what you want your alter ego to look like, if this doesn't work try drawing your character.

6. Think of a name for your character. Your favorite name, or the meaning of something you value in another language.

7. Create a world for your alter ego. Include places and characters from shows you watch or books you've read.

8. Include characters based on your friends and family.

9. Create other characters that work with or are friends/family with your character.

10. Chronicle your character's every day life!

These are few things about alter ego. Hope this information could be useful for all of you.

Well, finally I've become a senior!!! LOL

Nahh, stupid mumble =='

This is the first time for me to update this blog for a looooong time.
I've been very busy this recent days. I can't even do all my daily activities well.
I also got sick few weeks ago, and i dunno what kind of illness i gotten myself into.

Okay, back to the main point, I am in XIIS1 right now!!!
Things that made me happy recently :
i. I am in a same class with so many friends of mine (although i got separated from some of my old friends T_T)
ii. My friend who is studying in China is having summer holiday in Indonesia! I haven't met her for a while ==a
iii. I could engage more to my hobby, and i even tried to self-hypnotized myself and i think it's working!!! I'm sending positive mindset to my mind!

on the other hand, there are also things that made me depressed :
a. My first English test was so messed up because i wrote wrong notes in my book
b. I only got a couple of months left to prepare EJU, TOEFL, etc.
c. The time limit for me to choose my major is getting near
d. My last assignment for my graduation is being rejected over and over!!
e. I'm getting worried about the scholarships!!!!!

Darnnnn! Geez i couldn't help myself for being stressed over small matters like this ~_~ Fortunately, i was lent an interesting book from my friend. It tells us about hypnotheraphy. I tried that, and i think it's working. I mean, i don't feel sleepy at school anymore!!!! *Hoorrrayy*

This is a brief way to self-hypnotize yourself (you may want to give a try) :
1. Command yourself to go into the "Beta" condition
2. Make yourself relax by taking deep breath, imagining good things, etc. (as long as it could make yourself feel relaxed and comfortable)
3. Test your critical area such as hands, eyes, legs, etc. to know whether you've gone completely to Beta condition or not (by trying to move it, if it can't be moved then congrats, you've done well!)
4. Begin the self-talk session
5. Give the closing session

Please have a try! You may have a problem that you can't solve, fixing your mindset is a good step to find a solution! I will probably post a new post about this self-hypnotize soon to give further information ^^