RiN's 夢 の 森

A place where the reality lies beneath the illusion

Ok,, I want to tell one of my totally embarrassing story. Last Saturday, one of my friend, Olga, enrolled me and my other 2 friends (acul and kacank) to join a cooking contest. *WTH???!* Well, it's not like i dun want to join the competition, but i just fell it doesn't sounds right. I can cook some simple dishes, but i dun have any confidence to join a competition. However, she has already written my name there, so i dun hav any choice other join the competition.

Finally, when we arrived there, we saw so many talented people gathered around and prepared to cook many unbelievable meals. I've felt I was in a wrong place, but I just kept silent and hoped that 3 of my friends could cook well, coz honestly, i've dun believe in my own cooking skill. We even hav to make a traditional dish from my country. *i've never cooked sumthin like that b4*

The worst thing i've imagined really came true. Neither me nor my other friends could cook really well. I even have to cook other dishes! We got spare raw materials, and we made a 'random' recipe based on the spare material we have.. *it's really depressing..* We couldn't finish our dishes properly. "It's not even worthed to try!!!" said one of my friends. The dish was totally messed up. It supposedly to be burnt on a raging fire *what's that?!* The dish isn't increasing your appetite at all. I was so ashamed when I saw other team's finished dishes. They were totally gorgeous and looks delicious. Farrrr way different from ours. Our team even attracted many people because of our actions. Man, I really wanted to dig a deep hole on the ground and hide in it!

When the judge came around to try every team's dish, i don't brave enough to show myself in front of them. I was trying to calm myself down at the time. I thought I could explode like a bomb. My 'sadistic' side almost appeared and I tried really hard to press it. I dun want to ruin my team's mood that was really happy about the contest. Well, i admit the contest was fun because we were able to cook happily, but i couldn't stand being in such a huge crowd and became a centre of attention because of our dish. *I wanted to scream and relieve my stress..*

Pardon me my friends.. TTxTT


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